HomeFresh - Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning

Dustmites and Fleas

The average home in the UK has over 2 million dust mites feeding on the protein from dead skin scales in carpets and upholstery.

Airbourne Partical

Bacteria, fungus, pollens and cigarette smoke are all airbourne particles that carry into your home and into your carpet. Only professional carpet cleaning can remove these and reduce the source of breathing problems such as asthma, allergies and emphysema.

Dirt is Abrasive

When you walk on your carpet you grind the dirt into the fibres causing wear. Vacuuming regularly reduces this, but houshold vacuums do not have the same suction power as professional carpet cleaners to remove all the dirt.

Other Sources

Bacteria, car exhaust, chemicals, dust, earth, food particles, fungus, germs, grease, grime, grit, hair, pet stains, pollens, sand, smoke, soil, soot, tar, tobacco smoke, urine and vomit.

Our Guarentee:
Fully insured for Third Party liability and your property.
0800 083 0523
Local Numbers:
01206 210945
01206 210500
Map of areas covered
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